Taking Care of Baby and Mom (Part Two: Mom)

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As a new mom, taking care of yourself is just as important as caring for your baby. Your well-being directly impacts your ability to nurture and bond with your little one. Proper rest, nutrition, and moments of self-care not only help restore your energy but also support your emotional and physical health during this transformative time. Remember, a healthy and happy mom can give so much more to her child. By caring for yourself, you are also caring for your baby, building a strong foundation for both of you to thrive together. Here are a few items to consider, espeically for breast-feeding moms.


A well-balanced diet will give you the strength and energy you need to keep up with the demands of motherhood. Along with eating well, don’t forget to keep taking your prenatal vitamins during breastfeeding, your body still needs those extra nutrients to support both you and your baby. And when it comes to staying hydrated, water is your best friend. Try to drink about 8 ounces with each feeding to help with milk production. Although it might seem like drinking milk would increase your milk supply, it’s not necessary to increase your dairy intake, water is really all you need.

Breastfeeding Odds and Ends

Breastfeeding is such a beautiful bonding experience, but it can come with its own set of challenges. Let’s talk through some common ones so you feel prepared.

If your little one is sleepy during feedings and not nursing well, don’t worry! This happens often, especially in the beginning. Try changing their diaper or gently undressing them down to just the diaper to wake them up a bit. If they still seem too drowsy, you can use a cool, damp washcloth on their tiny feet to help rouse them enough to nurse better.

If you ever feel that your baby isn’t gaining weight as expected or seems to be losing weight, reach out to your pediatrician right away. It’s always better to check for any underlying issues. If everything looks good, sometimes supplementing with a small amount of formula after breastfeeding can help until your baby’s weight is back on track.

For mamas of premature babies, breastfeeding might look a little different. Your pediatrician will guide you, but don’t worry if your baby can’t nurse right away. You can pump and store your milk, giving your little one all the benefits of your breastmilk, even if it’s through a bottle at first.

Now, expressing milk, whether for comfort or convenience, can be such a helpful tool. The best time to pump is right after the baby’s first feeding of the morning when your supply is at its highest. You can use an electric pump, which can be purchased or rented, and your local pharmacy might even have one available. Or, if you prefer, a hand pump works too, just be gentle and rhythmic while you pump. For manual expression, support your breast with your hand underneath, and gently press and release around 30 times per minute to help the milk flow.

When storing your milk, make sure to use a clean, sterile container. Mark the time and date so you can keep track, and if you’re storing it in the fridge, use it within 24 hours. For longer storage, freeze your milk at 0 degrees Fahrenheit, and it’ll stay fresh for up to six months.

When it’s time to thaw your milk, place it in a pan of warm water and gently increase the temperature until it’s ready. You’ll notice the milk separates into layers—this is totally normal! Just give it a little shake to mix it back together, and it’ll be ready to serve. Be sure to use the milk right away after thawing, and toss any leftovers after feeding, since your baby’s saliva can break down the milk. And remember, never microwave breastmilk—it can destroy some of those wonderful immune-boosting properties your milk provides.

You’re doing an amazing job, mama. Breastfeeding isn’t always easy, but with time, patience, and a little support, you’ll find your rhythm. Your baby is so lucky to have you nurturing and caring for them every step of the way.

Breast-Feeding Challenges Relating to Mom

We how tender and challenging breastfeeding can be, especially when it comes with its own set of hurdles. You are doing an incredible job, and it’s okay to face these challenges with patience and self-compassion. Let’s talk about some of the difficulties that can arise on this journey, and how a mother can manage them.

Engorged Breasts
Engorgement is common, especially in the early days when your milk is transitioning from colostrum to mature milk. You might notice it more if you’ve missed a few nursing sessions or if your baby isn’t emptying your breasts fully. This happens more often with your first baby, but don’t worry, it gets easier with each child. To help reduce engorgement, try to keep up regular feedings, aiming for every 2-3 hours. If the discomfort persists, expressing some milk manually or with a pump can bring relief. A warm shower before feeding can also help ease the discomfort, though I know taking several showers a day isn’t always practical, one or two should help until things settle down.

Tender, Lumpy, or Painful Breasts
In those first few days, you might experience tenderness before your mature milk comes in. Your baby has to work a little harder to get the thicker colostrum, which can feel uncomfortable. Once your milk flow increases, you’ll notice the suck-swallow pattern becomes more rhythmic, and the tenderness should ease.

A well-fitting nursing bra can make a world of difference, too. If your bra is too tight, it can contribute to the discomfort. Try alternating sides at each feeding and ensuring your baby empties both breasts. A lactation consultant or your local maternity store can help you find the right fit if you need it.

Mastitis can happen when bacteria enter through cracked nipples or if a milk duct gets clogged. It’s not uncommon, affecting about 10% of nursing moms, but it doesn’t mean you have to stop breastfeeding. Wearing a tight or underwire bra can sometimes cause this, especially if the bra shifts when you lift your arms. If you do experience mastitis, getting prompt treatment is important. It usually improves within a couple of days with the right care. Warm compresses, mild pain relief, and sometimes antibiotics (prescribed by your doctor) can help you feel better and keep nursing.

Yeast Infection (Candida Albicans)
Thrush, a yeast infection, can pass from baby to mom during breastfeeding. If your baby has white patches in their mouth and seems fussy or struggles to nurse, this might be the culprit. It can cause soreness for you too. If you notice these signs, reach out to your pediatrician so treatment can start quickly. Once it’s under control, you and your baby can return to nursing more comfortably.

Plugged Duct
If you notice a sore spot or a lump in your breast, you may have a plugged duct. This can happen if the breast isn’t fully emptied, or if your baby isn’t latching well. Applying warmth and gently massaging the area before nursing can help, and try to nurse on the affected side first. Keep resting and caring for yourself, mama, if it doesn’t improve after a day or so, check with your doctor.

Inverted Nipples
For some mothers, flat or inverted nipples can make breastfeeding a little more challenging, but it doesn’t mean you can’t nurse successfully. If this applies to you, getting help with latching and positioning early on can make all the difference. Your doctor or a lactation consultant can offer guidance and options that will work best for you.

Sore Nipples
Sore nipples are often caused by your baby not latching properly, and it’s something many new mothers experience. Try making sure your baby is well-positioned, and alternate starting sides during each feeding to give your nipples time to heal. Allow your nipples to air dry for a bit after nursing, and applying a little lanolin or Vitamin E oil afterward can be soothing. If the soreness becomes too much, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor.

Too Much Milk
Having an oversupply of milk might sound like a blessing, but it can bring its own issues. When there’s too much foremilk, your baby might get more lactose than fat, which can cause gas or discomfort. If you notice this happening, try reducing the time spent nursing on each side, and express just a little milk before feeding to slow the flow. It’s all about finding the balance your baby needs, and you will get there with time.

Not Enough Milk
If you feel like you aren’t producing enough milk, it can be a little worrying, but don’t let it discourage you. Poor milk production can happen for many reasons, from stress to insufficient fluid intake, or even if baby is having too many supplemental bottles. Make sure to nurse every 2-3 hours and try to relax as much as possible during feedings. If you need extra help, expressing milk after nursing can sometimes stimulate more production. Remember, your health matters too, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to ask for help and speak to your doctor.

As stated, breastfeeding may come with challenges, but as a new Mom you are not alone in this. We have a host of support Moms ready to help walk you through any challenge, with single goal of helping you build a beautiful bond with your little one.

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Multiple Births - The Endless Party


Taking Care of Baby and Mom (Part One: Baby)