Naptime Basics (Part Two) - The 45 Minute Nap Intruder
BWS - 08
For expecting parents and those cradling their precious newborns, the thought of a baby waking early from a nap may seem far off, not a concern for today. But soon enough, this series of posts will become a trusted companion—one that mothers and fathers will turn to many times. Here, we touch on the delicate challenges of sleep and naps, not the initial task of establishing a gentle rhythm for your baby, but the surprising moments when that well-practiced routine suddenly falters. Rest assured, the challenge is real, but the support awaits you just a few pages ahead. Before we dive into solutions, let me share a little story about “Switch 26.”
From 1991 to 1994, Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo hosted a live radio show called Parenting on the Line. Their broadcast studio was a complex web of satellite feeds, transmitters, and a bewildering array of dials and buttons, most of which they had no knowledge of. Thankfully, their trusty engineer knew every switch by heart. One day, panic set in as the countdown to their show ticked down from 60 seconds, they realized their microphones weren’t working. At the 40-second mark, they exchanged anxious glances with the engineer, who hurried over, eyes scanning the array of tiny switches. His focus landed on Switch 26, and with a flick of his finger, the microphones came to life just in time.
The Ezzos never forgot the confusion and uncertainty of that moment, the sudden jolt when everything familiar feels like it’s slipping away. Parenting, too, has its bewildering moments. Imagine the dismay when your baby wakes early from what should have been a long, peaceful nap, disrupting a routine you thought was secure. Like that elusive Switch 26, the solution is often simple, though finding it may not always be so easy. But dear mother, with a bit of patience and understanding, you will soon learn where to look.
What if there was a gentle guide to help parents uncover the reason behind their baby’s interrupted naps? For Babywise moms and dads, the good news is that such a guide does exist. In the following pages, you'll find a thoughtful list of possible reasons why your little one may wake early from their naps. At first glance, this list might feel a bit overwhelming as you see the many potential causes of nap disturbances. But don’t worry, the number of possibilities quickly narrows once you consider key details, such as your baby’s age and whether they are primarily nourished by breastmilk, formula, or solid foods.
You'll also want to think about the nature of the disruption. Does it happen during every nap or only at certain times, like morning or afternoon? Is your baby waking only during naps, or are they also waking during the night? Is it a daily challenge, or does it occur every few days? By paying attention to these patterns, you unravel the mystery behind the early wake-ups.
Of course, this chapter will be most helpful if your baby has already developed a strong foundation of healthy sleep habits. We assume your little one is on a well-established 3-4 hour feed-wake-sleep routine, is sleeping through the night for at least 8 hours, and is enjoying naps that last around 1½-2 hours. These are typical Babywise milestones. So, when your baby wakes early from a nap, it stands out as something unexpected, something worth exploring.
Finding the Root of the Problem
We’ve all experienced the frustration of our internet going out. We wonder, is the issue with our laptop, the wireless router, a loose connection in the modem, or something down the line with the service provider? While the goal is simply to get back online, we have to first find the source of the problem.
Similarly, when a baby’s nap is interrupted, the cause could stem from many sources. It might be something baby-related, but it could also be connected to mom’s diet, the activities during waketime, or the sleep environment itself. Identifying the source of your baby’s nap disturbance is the first step to finding a solution.
We’ve divided the list into four categories to guide you through this process. Some causes are straightforward and have simple fixes, like a wet diaper or a trapped burp. Others are more subtle and require a bit of investigation.
For simplicity, we offer two lists here, and in the upcoming blogs, we’ll delve deeper into each one. The first list gives a broad overview of common reasons why babies wake early, whether a few times a month or a few times a day.
The second list (next blog,) explains causes that impact more than just the occasional nap. These are marked with an asterisk (*), indicating areas that may need more attention. By working through these lists, you and your baby will move closer to peaceful naps and restful days.
List One
Sleep Challenges Related to Baby
Here are some potential baby-related contributors to Baby waking early:
Baby is hungry because:
He did not take a full feeding at his previous feeding.
He needs more “milk” calories in a 24-hour period.*
He is starting a growth spurt.*
He is ready to start solid foods.*
Baby is uncomfortable because:
He is getting sick, has a slight fever, is teething, is starting an ear infection, etc.
He has an insect bite or hair twisted around a toe (tourniquet syndrome).*
He is too hot or too cold.
He has a diaper rash.
Baby’s tummy is troubling him because:
He has a mild or delayed case of reflux.*
He is having an allergic reaction to a new baby food.*
He is struggling with a bowel movement.
He needs a burp.
Baby woke-up because:
He startled himself (startle reflex).
He rolled over and does not know how to roll back.
He lost his pacifier and cannot resettle without it.
Baby is starting a sleep/nap transition because:
He is extending his nighttime sleep, affecting daytime naps.*
His body does not require as much sleep in a 24-hour period, thus impacting naps.
Sleep Challenges Related To Mom
Baby is hungry because:
The previous feeding proved to be inadequate.
Mom’s milk supply has gradually decreased.*
Mom’s diet is affecting the nursing baby.
Baby has a reaction to a new medication Mom is taking.*
The nursing baby is receiving too much lactose from Mom.*
Mom’s schedule was rushed, so she did not allow enough time for her baby to receive a full feeding.
Sleep Challenges Related to Activities
Previous waketime was too short.*
Previous waketime was over-stimulating to baby because:
The waketime was too long, thus promoting fatigue rather than sleepiness.
The waketime activity was too over-stimulating (e.g. placing baby in front of TV).*
Baby’s overall routine has too much flexibility (e.g., Mom is running too many errands, and Baby is catching catnaps in the car).
First feeding of the day has too much flexibility.*
The three activities of Baby’s day are out of order. Mom has baby on wake-feed-sleep schedule instead of feed-wake-sleep schedule.
Sleep Challenges Related to the Environment
Baby is not being exposed to an adequate amount of daylight. Natural light helps babies regulate their circadian clock.*
Baby’s room is not dark enough.*
Baby is over-stimulated in the crib because of wind-up toys that were turned on when he was put down for his nap.*
When your baby reaches four to six months of age, he could be waking up in response to familiar sounds in the home.*
Unknown: What does this mean? Simply that a reason exists, but it is so unique to your baby’s situation that it is not easily duplicated by other babies.*
Now that we have reviewed nap challenges initiated by the Baby, Mom, Activities, and environmental influences, we can expand this conversation in the next posting by reviewing some of the naptime challenges and possible explanations with suggested solutions.